Monday, November 9, 2009

Does WOSH Only Hire 16 Year Old Girls to be Their News Directors?

Five paragraphs into his daily self-pity party -- and, really, today's edition is quite the exercise in wince-inducing uninformed hyperbole -- Jonathan Krause drops these words a propos of nothing:
I am also resigned to the fact that the US economy will never be the same. Yes, Great Britain is still a free market--but what British companies help to drive the worldwide economy? Royal Bank of Scotland? And they would kill to have "just" 10.2% unemployment. I guess we will have to be resigned to that standard of life as well. "Living on the dole"--that is something to really shoot for in life.
Bare in mind the post is about the health care reform bill, which leads me to believe that Krause is convinced that the House passed a bill that will turn health care in America over to a National Health Service like there is in in England. If this isn' the case, then his shoddy writing is recklessly suggesting as much.

We've noted before that Krause really doesn't have the first clue what he's talking about when he starts discussing health care policy, but this glibertarian whining does no one a damn bit of good:
So that's why I am giving up hope.
Jesus, dude: get a grip.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
JONATHAN KRAUSE: "Yes, Great Britain is still a free market--but what British companies help to drive the worldwide economy? Royal Bank of Scotland? And they would kill to have "just" 10.2% unemployment."

UK Unemployment - Labour Market Statistics
October 23 2009 - The unemployment rate remained at 7.9%

I think someone who reads the news would research a little, or at least Google "england unemployment rate"

NOVEMBER 9, 2009 9:07 PM