Here's the text, just in case the captures renders the print too small to read:
It's a huge pet peeve of mine. In an ideal world, everyone who writes or comments on the Internet would have to divulge his/her true identity. Not all but far too many that choose to use a false identity or nickname have an ulterior motive at hand.So how does that jive with Fischer ghostwriting some of his boss' posts on her blog?
These cowards hide behind a false name to pump themselves up in their feeble minds, cause mischief, be mean or cruel, or at worst, commit crimes.
The same way rehab doesn't work, but he has 3 dwi's. The man's a walking contradiction.
I dunno. Politicians put their names to stuff written by a staff member all the time. If you work as a speech writer then it's in your job description.
As intellectual dishonesty goes, there are greater offenders.
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