Friday, May 20, 2011

Oh, Those Nutty GOP Lawyers!

If there ever was a case study in IOKIARDI, then this would have to be it:

Challenges Republicans had made to the petitions filed against Kapanke, Hopper and Olsen focused on the initial paperwork setting up the recalls. Specifically, they said that the original document registering the recall effort - called a GAB-1 - did not list the same petitioner as another document filed with it, called the statement of intent.

In Kapanke's race, for example, the GAB-1 listed only a treasurer, Peter Larson, while the statement of intent listed Patrick Scheller of LaCrosse as the petitioner. GOP lawyers said that flaw made the entire recall petition invalid, and argued that the board should throw it out. They made similar arguments in all of the other five petitions filed against Republicans.


The memo says the Republican recall attempt against Democratic Sen. Jim Holperin of Conover had the same problem identified by Republicans in their objections to the recalls of Republicans - a treasurer named Donna Goeddaeus on the GAB-1 form and a petitioner named Kim Simac on the statement of intent. "Interestingly," the memo said, the lawyers who filed the challenge in Kapanke's case defended the same kind of setup in Holperin's.
It really is mind-blowing just how fucking stupid Wisconsin Republicans think everyone else is.

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